Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Today I wanted to share something that has nothing to do with what I have written, but will bless you.  Would you take a moment to read Ashley Ann's post from Under the Sycamore on friendship?

I love everything about what she wrote.  So many differences, but yet each woman takes time to serve each other.  Beautiful.  Simply beautiful.  In my own little journey I am striving to be a servant leader.  Really looking for areas where I could serve others by simple gestures.  I often get so busy with my own life, that I fail to realize that I still have it in me to serve others.

As I guide my own children, I often find myself teaching them that in order to have good friends they must be a good friend, but I also need to lead by example.  I also want to show them that it is important to choose good friends, and to hold out for the special ones.  Not to settle.

Just a little tidbit for you today.  Now I'm going to find someone to bless today and I hope you do too!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for blessing our family today!! You are a servant leader and I enjoy our friendship :)
