Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rhea Lana of South Tulsa~Getting the Good Stuff

Rhea Lana South Tulsa
February 10th-16th

Last week I shared with you how you can increase your income with just a few hours of work.  It's my secret 'Get Rich Quick' scheme...only it's not a scheme. It's totally legit.

If you aren't interested in turning profit, maybe you are the professional shopper. Well, guess what?  I'm talking to the Professional Shopper today.

If you have ever shopped a consignment sale, you know the key to getting the best items at the lowest prices is by shopping early.  Technically, the sale opens to the public on Sunday, February 10th @ 1:00pm.  However, you can get in earlier if I share a wee little secret with you. Do you want to know?  I can only tell you if you promise to keep it a secret.  I don't want someone else stealing that dirt cheap Arctic Cat out from under my feet.  Okay, here it goes...

You can shop as early as Saturday, February 9th @ 5:00pm, IF you can spare four hours...ONLY FOUR HOURS...of your time.

Now...SHHHHH!...this is our little secret.  That little secret listed above will allow you to shop just hours after the last group of consignors drop off their stuff.  That means you get your hands on the BEST goods first. You won't miss out.

Now here's how you go about volunteering...

Go HERE to register for an assigned time slot anytime during the sale.  Then you show up for your shift.  The best part about this is you get time away to be around some great ladies, making new friends, all while earning yourself some good deals.  This sounds more like a mini vacation rather than a volunteering job, right?

Now, I have another little secret.  I know.  I'm full of them today.  Are you ready for it?

You can also have your consignor fee ($8.00) waived.*

What the what???  Yep.  You can have your consignor fee waived.  All you have to do is sign up to volunteer a SPECIAL SHIFT below...

Consignor Fee Waiving Shift

  • Any Check-In Shift on Friday, February 8th
  • Any Check-In Shift on Saturday, February 9th
  • Any Sort Shift on Saturday, February 16th
  • Any Sort Shift on Sunday, February 17th
*In addition to your fee being waived, you will STILL receive the Early Worker's Pass to shop early...BONUS!!!

Now Ladies, get on it.  Go sign up to volunteer!  

Next week, I'll be sharing a bit more info and there may or may not be a GIVEAWAY.  A giveaway involving cash.  I don't know.  Maybe this is just crazy talk ;)

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