Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rhea Lana of South Tulsa~CONSIGN NOW

Rhea Lana of South Tulsa
Spring/Summer Sale

February 10th-16th
It's really hard to believe the RL sale is just around the corner.  It seems like I picked up my FAT check just a few months ago.  It's time for you to get ready to earn cash too!

Sometimes we get stuck on a narrow road of thought that our income only comes from steady paychecks.  Like Steven's job.  He brings in the bulk of our income, but I have to add to it to make this family stay afloat.  I do little things like teach gymnastics, keep my adorable nephews, and consign.  Yes, I said consign.  I sell off what we don't need to pay for things we do.  Does it take time?  Yes.  Is it money in my pocket? Yes.  Is it worth it? YES!  

Let's take the last sale for example.  I spent about 2 hours gathering, sorting, and prepping clothes.  I received over $225 for those two hours.  This was just on clothes alone.  No toys or baby gear.  JUST CLOTHES.  Think about that pay out.  I made about $112.50/hour.  I don't know about you, but that is time well spent.

Convinced that consigning is worth it?  Here's what you do...
  1. GoHERE to sign up as a consignor.
  2. Gather two bins.  One for donations and one for consigning.  (If you wouldn't buy it, don't consign it!  Rhea Lana has a reputation of selling nice items only.)
  3. Prep and organize your items.  Go HERE for item prep.
  4. Take your items in.  Go HERE for drop off times and procedure.
  5. Sit down with a cup of coffee and watch your money grow through LIVE sales reports!
  6. Pick up your check.
That's pretty simple, right?

Now, Rhea Lana automatically gives you 70% of your sales (that's more than any other sale in this area), but if that's not enough for you check out the ways to earn more HERE.

So there you have it.  All the information you need to get your unwanted/unused items working for you.  

Next week, I'm going to share how you can get in on finding the deals at the Rhea Lana of South Tulsa sale before anyone else!  You know, where you find the barely used Britax carseat for 60% off retail OR, that Ergo carrier dirt cheap and looking new.  How awesome is it to tell your friends...Yeah, I got this Ergo for $20.  

Stay tuned for more...

Until then, LIKE Rhea Lana of South Tulsa on Facebook.  I hear there are some giveaways in the works.  Yeah, I said it...GIVEAWAYS!  What are you waiting for???  Go like them!


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