Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Fitness Goals

If you and I are friends on Facebook, then you have seen my daily posts about F.I.T Body Boot Camp.  I don't get anything in return from posting about it, but it's something I truly believe in.  Very rarely do you come in contact with a person who is in your corner as soon as you meet them.  I'm blessed to call Erica a friend, and even more blessed to have the opportunity to train under her and alongside her.

For the beginning of the year, I had to meet with Erica to get down to my skivvies and sports bra and take  'Before' body pics.  I'll post it for you later...SIKE!  (Those photos will remain under lock and key).  Then I had to come up with three S.M.A.R.T. fitness goals...

I really thought this was going to be easy, but I struggled.  I had to really focus on what did I really want to accomplish this year mentally and physically, and how was I going to do it.  After a lot of thought and self-doubt, I came up with these three.

  1. Complete the Warrior Dash on May 18th in under 50 minutes
  2. Have visible muscle definition in my arms and thighs before Spring Break (we're going to FL and I'll be wearing a swimsuit and 3 kids)
  3. Run the Full Moon Classic 5K in under 27 minutes
I think I can achieve these goals, but I'm not going to chance it.  Here's how I'm going to get there.  Things I'm going to do to MAKE sure these goals don't slip through my fingers.  Nothing is more frustrating to me than not achieving what I've set out to do.  So here's my game plan...
  • Train with Erica on trail running (she has the same Warrior Dash goal)
  • Work brief calisthenics into my running routine (Example: run 1 mile, stop and do 25 burpees, run 1/4 mile, stop and do 25 push ups, etc.)
  • Do 25 push ups every night before bed
  • Do 25 sump squats every night before bed
  • Continue to run M and W
  • Continue Boot Camp on F
I'm hopeful that these preparations will get my end results.  What are your fitness goals for 2013?  If you don't have any, I'm sure Erica could help you figure it out!  Call her today, 918.361.5255.

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