Friday, December 7, 2012

Proud Parents

You see this guy...

Well, he won an award.
An award for responsibility.
Only two kids were chosen per class.
He makes us proud.
And because he makes us proud I'm going to post 3 pictures of the same thing.
That's just how we roll.
Loud and Proud.

 Little Man with his amazing teacher.

 Daddy's turn with the award winner.
(Chubby Cheekers, contain your excitement please.)

My turn with my boy...and princess.

Besides Little Man winning the Responsibility Award, there is something else that warms our hearts. The majority of his friends have won awards previously for cooperation and respect.  This means he is keeping good company.  We want him to be kind to all, but spend quality time with others that have hearts like his.  

Little Man, you make us proud.  You are a good leader for your siblings.  We love you.

Mom and Dad

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