Monday, December 3, 2012

Menu Monday

I'm really working hard to be a slacker here, and I think I'm succeeding.  A super late Menu Monday and it's a pretty bad one at that.  I only had to come up with 4 meals.  The other 3 are provided by a date night and two birthday dinners for this really great man.  A great man who is turning 34 and so is his brother.  A great man who I met when he was 18.  He has definitely grown into a fine specimen.

So here's the slacker menu...

Monday-Oven Baked Fajitas and Corn Saute
Tuesday-Baked Chicken, Rice Pilaf, Green Beans
Wednesday-Meatloaf, Potatoes Au Gratin, Salad
Thursday-Pot Roast!!!
Friday-Birthday Dinner #1
Saturday-DATE DAY!
Sunday-Birthday Dinner #2

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