Monday, November 5, 2012

Menu Monday

That grocery budget got me this week.  Yikes.  I needed quite a few toiletry items this week and that zapped over half of my $100/week budget.  I did pick up some more fresh fruits and vegetables so I should be super skinny after this week ;)  I kid. I kid.

Thankfully, I have some freezer meals to pull from and some friends to mooch off of  so we won't starve to death.  Not to mention a certain little boy around here is turning 6 tomorrow.  SIX!  That means we're taking him out to eat. His choice.  Lord, please let him not choose Mc-Ba-Donalds (McDonalds).  Amen.

Anyway, I don't have a menu for you today.  However, I'm sure you have some friends you could mooch off.  Just don't let it be me.  You for real would starve then.

Have a great week!

And just because these pictures make me smile, here ya' go...

{Little Man, Little Miss, and Chunkey Monkey}

{Mr. Fluffy Pants and Chubby Cheekers}

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