Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Menu Monday on Tuesday

So there was a bit of an absence on Thursday and Friday.  Sorry.  Actually, I'm not.  Sorry that I'm not sorry.  We were kind of living in real life.  It was a real damper to say, "Hey, can you hold on for about 10 minutes while I update peeps on the deets of my life."  We had some amazing company in town.  Steven's uncle that is the exact same age.  Literally, they were born on the same day in the same year.  December 9, 1978, Steven, Rene, and Jaime were born.

It was a blast to get to spend time with them.  All 3 boys are cut from the exact same mold.  The same things make them tick and laugh.  It's quite comical.  What else was comical was the amount of children running around us.  Besides our 3, Chunky Monkey, and Mr. Fluffy, Jaime and his wife, Bebe, have two kids, Gideon (3) and Selah (4 months).  We were busy.  Despite the tornado of toys and excessive noise that surrounded us at all times, we actually enjoyed adult conversation and laughed often about how much we've aged since our pre-kid days.  I wish I would have snapped more pics, but I didn't. Here's the kiddos.  Too bad you can't get the full effect of all kids in one pic.

Introducing The Babes...

And The Bigs...
{Try to mentally block out the Happy Meals...I did}

Enough reminiscing, time for the menu.

Monday-Welp! I missed out on that one.  
Tuesday-Tomato Cream Pasta with Grilled Chicken, Bruschetta, Green Beans
Wednesday-Tater Beef Bake, Crescents
Thursday-Terriyaki Crock Pot Meal, Brown Rice
Friday-Grilled Chicken, Corn on the Cob, Baked Potato
Saturday-Pizza Bread, Salad
Sunday-Dinner @ Mom's

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