Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hello World (and a Menu)

Geez!  I seriously thought I only skipped Friday.  Late Sunday night I knew I wasn't going to get Menu Monday up.  I'm a slacker. What else can I say?  I can't really pull the 'Newborn' card any longer.

Moving forward, I've had some challenges these past few weeks.  I've moved our family to cash only for groceries, baby, and household items.  We recently made a pretty big family decision for next year that has us under lock and key on our budget.  Money is going, going, going to savings to prepare for something we are pretty excited about (yeah, sorry...not gonna share yet), so the grocery budget is strictly set at $100/week.  I've had to increase that over the last year to accommodate baby supplies and the increased consumption of food from my offspring.  Little Man can already out eat me on any given meal.  He's five.  Super excited for fifteen!

Since the grocery cash is gone when it's gone, my menu planning has become even tighter.  The freezer meal planning has not only helped with time, but also with money.  I currently have four meals in the freezer ready to go.  Not too much, but better than my previous amounts of freezer meals.  The previous amount was zip, zero, zilch-o.  All that to say, when a heavy week hits toiletry or household needs I have some freezer meals to fill up the menu.

Here's what we've got going on this week...

Monday-uh, we already ate it...
Tuesday-Parmesan Crusted Tiliapia, Salad, Balsamic Honey Carrots
Wednesday-Hamburgers, Trees and Raisins
Thursday-Baked Chicken, Green Bean Casserole, Buttered Bread
Friday-BBQ Beef Sandwiches, Potato Wedges, Fruit
Saturday-Football Food!!! (Sausage Balls, Wings, Chips and Queso)
Sunday-Dinner out

Aside from continuing to practice writing their names, the kids and I are having some kid fun this week.  No school stuff!

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