Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Week of Firsts

Besides Kindergarten, we had a great week of firsts for the kids.

Little Miss' First...

{Ballet and Tap}

Little Man's First...

{Flag Football}

Chubby Cheekers First...

You caught me.  This isn't a first.  I just HAD to throw in a pic of my baby cakes. 

Now, I realize I totally missed Menu Monday.  That was completely unintentional.  Mommy brain struck.  Honestly, we have some of our Chicago family coming to town on Wednesday so I'm not really sure what we'll be doing.  But I do know this, I'm on track for a no repeat meal for the month of August.  It really wasn't that hard to plan for.  Especially when family comes to town and they want to eat out ;)

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