Tuesday, July 31, 2012

PB Chocolate Chip Cake Cookies

Once upon a time I was a high school kid getting ready to head to college.  My brother and I were going to live in an apartment together and I didn't know how to cook (hard to believe, I know).  My long time childhood, middle school, high school BFF did cook.  One big problem.  She was going to OU and I was heading to NSU.  Have no despair.  She put together a cook book for me full of my favorite things she knew how to make.  Gosh, I love her.

One of the recipes she added was my all time favorite cookie made from cake batter.  They are so simple and delicious.  I could eat them all.  No, really.  I ate them all once.  That was back when I could see all my abs and weighed about 115 lbs.

I digress.  Without further ado I would like to introduce the best cookies ever...

PB Chocolate Chip Cake Cookies
2 eggs
1/3 cup water
1/4 cup butter/margarine
1 cup peanut butter
1 package yellow cake mix
1/2 package chocolate chips

  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees
  • Beat eggs, water, butter, peanut butter, and half of cake mix (dry).
  • Stir in remaining cake mix and chocolate chips.
  • Bake 10-12 minutes
Told you it was easy!  You might want to go ahead and pick up two boxes of yellow cake mix because you'll have some chocolate chips left over.  You wouldn't want those to go to waste would you?

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