Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer List

All these cutesy Summer Lists I see on this and that site have me a little jealous.  The most ornate homemade chalkboards with artsy script and fun colors listing out 'must do's' of Summer.  I would love to have one of those.  In fact, I have found myself daydreaming about my Summer List.  It goes something like this...

I slowly wake to the sound of raindrops on my window.  As I glance at the clock, I realize the kids have slept in again.  It's 9:30.  I decide to roll out of bed to enjoy my cup of coffee in silence.  Seeing that the kids are still not stirring, I turn to my perfectly DIY'ed chalkboard and begin to relish in how awesome it is and add a few more items to the list.  My handwriting is perfect and looks more like a work of art rather. It's surprising.

And then I get hit in the face with a Nerf ball.  Who am I kidding? I'm not the type to take the time (or have the time) to make a chalkboard.  So instead I'll just pretend this one is mine...

{via Whatever}

Despite not having a uber cool chalkboard, I do have a list going...a list on my iPad.  That's crafty, right?

So here's what we got going on this summer before Little Man has to go back to school...
  • Pick Berries
  • Swim
  • Ice Cream
  • Snow Cones
  • Kiddie Park
  • Water Park
  • Splash Pad
  • Family Hike
  • Park and Picnic
  • Baseball Game
  • Baking Day
  • Free Summer Movies
  • Pudding Body Paint
  • Water Balloon Fight
  • Aquarium
  • Trip to Chicago
  • Visit Grandparents
  • Donuts
  • Summer Reading Program
  • Craft Day
Now I want to know what fun things you are doing this summer so I can steal your ideas.

1 comment:

  1. I love Meg's blog! I am going to take Colton up to Bass Pro soon. They do activities on the weekdays/weekend from 1-5 (I think) and on Saturdays they have smores from 6-7. Not sure if you want to take your kids, but check out Blue Hole or Flint Creek for a day trip to swim. We had fun at those spots. Also, bowling or mini-golf.
