Monday, May 7, 2012

Menu Monday

Hello May!  Anyone look at this month's calender and realize there are no free days?  We are beginning to look that way.  I'm thankful for many activities that focus around family and our kids, but it's really cramping my cooking style.  This week we have quite a few 'fast' meals.

Monday-Spaghetti, Cheesy Bread, Salad
Tuesday-BBQ Chicken, Broc Bake, Twice Baked Potatoes
Wednesday-Baked Chicken, Stuffing, Green Bean Casserole
Thursday-Pasta e Fagioli and Grilled Cheese
Friday-Club Salad with Honey Croissants
Saturday-Club Sandwiches and Chips (the kids will l-o-v-e this...they never get chips for dinner)
Sunday-Mother's Day Cookout...Steven's in charge!

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