Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Man, It Feels So Good

So last week I let you in on a little secret...I don't like to work out.  What I didn't mention to you is I have been working towards a goal.  Well, two goals.  The long term goal is to get my abs back, first by blasting off this fat, and then toning it up.  The short term goal was to run a 5k in a timed race in under 30 minutes.

Even though I have ran for a few years now, I haven't ran in many races.  My first was in 2005, prior to having children.  I ran that race on Thanksgiving Day and I crossed the finish line in 35 minutes.  It was slow going.  My second race was in 2010 running the Tulsa Run 15k.  My goal then was to finish the dang thing keeping my feet at a jog the entire time.  No walking.  That race took me 1 hour 50 minutes to complete.

This time around I wanted to push myself against the clock.  Since I don't have a lot of time to hit the pavement,  a lot of my training was through high intensity circuit training at home.  I think I only got to run about 5-6 times before the race.  It was making me nervous.  Thankfully, I had two of my super good friends to push me along the way.  They were a great support and we kept each other at the right pace at the right times.

I'm not going to lie.  Before the race my adrenaline was pumping.  I was nervous.  It was a good feeling. I was feeling so good I felt the need to document the moment...

{Erica, Myself, and Jackie}

Of course this is the 'before' pic.  Don't we look refreshing and ready for a challenge.  Don't mind me sucking it in so you don't see the post baby roll.  I wish I could say Erica was sucking in her post baby roll (she squeezed her girl out just a week before Chubby Cheekers), but she isn't.  Her roll isn't there.  I try not to hold that against her!

As the race began, I settled into my pace, but not without the help of the above ladies.  Have I mentioned I love them?  As we rounded out the last kilometer, I was so happy to see the finish line.  Glancing at my watch I knew I was going to reach my goal!

And this my lovely friends is what it feels like to reach your goal.  I finished 3.1 miles in 28 minutes and 16 seconds.  The best part is I did it three months after giving birth to Chubby Cheekers.  Man, it feels good to know I can accomplish my goals in the craziest moments of life.  

I would like to give some bloggy love to my husband who was willing to take all three kids to a race that began at 8 o'clock at night just to support me.  They cheered me on at the starting line and cheered me on bringing it in.  He is the best.  Not to mention my wonderful father-in-law and his fiance came to watch as well.  I really couldn't ask for a better family.  I've been blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Congrats! Is that Will's mom too?! Running is the best, and I can't wait to get back to it. You look great, by the way. I hope I can jump back quickly after #3. Oh, our OB is Dr. Babb. I think there is a little book of lines that OB's use, like.. Don't paint the nursery:).
