Friday, May 11, 2012

Let Me Make One Thing Clear

There are many things I like to do with my time and working out is not one of them.  I have to plan to work out.     Most of the time that plan includes waking up and dressing the part.  If I don't put on workout clothes first thing in the morning then I will not do it.  After I get the munchkins fed and Little Man off to school, then I pop in my DVD and get busy while Little Miss dances around my feet and Chubby Cheekers swings peacefully in the baby swing (he's got a hard life).

Usually, once I get passed the warm-up I'm good to go.  That wasn't the case yesterday.  I popped in the DVD, got two moves into the warm-up and turned the dang thing off.  I just didn't have it in me to work out.  I brewed a fresh cup a joe and checked my my workout clothes.  Feeling bad about myself as I saw the muffin top just hanging over my yoga pants, I texted my friend Erica.

Erica is the founder of F.I.T Bootcamp.  I love her to death because she pushes me, and she rarely turns down a chance to work hard.  Unless there's a garage sale.  That's a whole other story.  Anyway, she has this program she likes to do called Tabata Training.  Both of our kids are in gymnastics at the same time on Thursdays, so I asked if she would be willing to go through a Tabata Training with me during that time.  I had done it with her once before, and apparently, I forgot how difficult it is.  As soon as we started with Belt Kicks, I was seriously thinking, What have I done to myself?  

I do that every time I begin a difficult workout or push myself to run faster.  I ask, Why did I even start this?  Let me make one thing clear.  I do not like to work out.  I don't look forward to it.  I only look forward to when it's over.  That's the only thing I like about working out.  Being done.  I like the results of working out.  I like the feeling of accomplishment once I'm finished, but I do not like the work.

Now my crazy machine of a husband, well, he's a different story.  That man is addicted to working out.  Oh well.  We all have our issues.  I just prefer to solve mine over a package of Oreos.

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