Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Not Going To Take It

We are all hit with bad news at some point in our life.  Sometimes the news just affects your day and other times it affects the rest of your life.  Our family received some news a few weeks back that has forever changed us.  Although I won't share specifics today, I will share how we are handling our bad news.

First off, our family is apart of a greater kingdom.  God's Kingdom.  He is our source.  Our strength.  Our everything.  He has many promises available for us to access.  He doesn't just hand them to us.  We have to search, know, and hear His Word (The Bible) daily to stand on those promises.

When our bad news hit Steven and I knew we didn't have to accept the bad news as the end all be all.  We are realistic of the situation at hand, but we also know we serve a greater God who is bigger than this situation.  God did not promise us we wouldn't face troubles.  He didn't promise bad news wouldn't ever come our way.  He did give us promises about when bad news comes what to do.

I'm so thankful for our church.  We have learned so much on the subject of receiving bad news.  One series in particular focused on Psalms 91.  We spent 4 weeks focused on this chapter of the Bible.  It was broken down in sections and really dissected to pull out the true meanings of the verses.  Now when we for see trouble heading our way, or it's laid right in our laps, we know what to speak and what to pray.

One of the promises in Psalm 91 that speak to me directly right now is this:

Psalms 91:14-16

"Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him;  I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.  He will call upon me, and I will answer him;  I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.  With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation."

There are many more promises in this chapter, but this is the one that I will stand on.  Our bad news will turn into His Glory.

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