Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Next Big Step

Last night was a Kindergarten Open House in our school district.  Of course we attended.  I wasn't going to miss an opportunity to check out the teachers, classrooms, and overall feel of the school.  

For the most part I was pleased with what we saw.  The majority of the staff was welcoming.  PTA (Parent Teacher Association) volunteers were energetic and spoke highly of the school.  However, you definitely notice the caliber difference in teachers based on their acceptance of parents, the upkeep of the room, and how the room is decorated.

As a teacher, there were things that really went against my teaching beliefs.  As a parent, my heart sank seeing those things. To stand in a early childhood classroom and not see one piece of children's work was disheartening.  Those classrooms were cold and unwelcoming.  Then we visited another class and saw kid friendly decorations and lots of children's work displayed in a creative manner.  

Talking with teachers, it was also apparent who really loved their job.  Some teachers seemed like they were there because they had to be and others made a point to acknowledge Little Man.  The ones that got down on his level and spoke with him made an impression on me.  It is important for kids to be the focus.

The evening was a lot to take in.  I think as a parent the best thing I can do is be an advocate for my guy.  Do my research of teachers and take a chance in respectively voicing my opinion to the leaders of the school.  Being a parent is hard.  Sending my little guy off to school for an entire day is hard.  I'm losing quite a bit of my influence over him as he is introduced to another teacher and more friends.  You can bet I'll be fighting for what's in his best interest.  After all, it's worked so far.  He's had an amazing year in Pre-K with an amazing teacher that we all love.

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