Monday, April 30, 2012

The Newest Torres

Guess what folks?  No menu again!!!  Yikes.  I am slipping two weeks in a row.  Before you start judging, I have a really good excuse.  Brace yourself, because I'm confident my excuse is going to take your breath away.  It does mine.  Here it is...

My nephew was born on Friday.  He is the most beautiful, cuddly, tiny, precious, hairy, little guy ever.  I am having serious withdrawals.  It will be two days before I get to hold him next.  

This picture really doesn't do all his luscious hair any justice.  It's jet black and THICK!  I just love holding him and rubbing my fingers all over his little baby head.  I have to stop now.  Just thinking about him has me all worked up.

Even though the newest Torres is here, I still have such a special place in my heart for Chunky Monkey.  He got to spend the entire weekend with us.  We had a blast and wore that kid out!  Sitting here typing this post without him is a little emotional.  I miss him already. Having the big kid cousins together was a really special time.  I think I may have to kidnap him soon, but I'm not sure he'll want to come back.  Just look how proud he looks...

Now those are some good lookin' boys!!!

Congrats Rene and Lindsay!
We are so happy you blessed us with another nephew.

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