Monday, March 12, 2012

Menu Monday

Life feels normal.  At least during the day.  We actually did quite a bit of yard work this weekend.  Moving plants and shrubs around.  Adding depth and height to what we currently had in the flower beds.  Steven did a great job digging up multiple shrubs and replanting them.  He's definitely a man who's not afraid of getting his hands dirty and working hard.  Even after moving eight plants/shrubs and planting four more shrubs for me, he raked the entire yard to rid it of the dead grass and overseeded the yard.  See what I mean?  He works hard.  I  just direct the work.  Yes, I've got it pretty good over here.

So good I think I'll cook this man some meals this week.  Here's what he'll be getting...

Monday-Poor Man's Beef Stroganoff, Crescents, Seasoned Green Beans
Tuesday-Spicy Thai Noodles, Curry Chicken, Szechuan Aspargus
Wednesday-Easy Crock Pot Tortilla Soup with Salad
Thursday-Pork Ribs, Anger Management Twice Baked Potatoes, Corn on the Cob
Friday-Dinner out with Jackie (Pizza for the Kids)
Saturday-Baked Club Pinwheels, Fresh Veggies with Dip, and Fruit Salad
Sunday-Dinner at Mom's

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