Friday, February 3, 2012


I have a short story for you today that may or may not have happened on Wednesday night.  Just a little diddy...

It's a little diddy about Jack and Diane. 
Two American kids growing up in the heartland.  

Kidding!  Here's the story for you about two parents and their perspectives of waking up at night.

The first parent is 9 months pregnant.  She often gets up to pee in the night.  On average, she goes about 3-5 times depending on the water consumption for the day.  One night she only got up twice to pee.  This was her comment when she woke up...

Wow!  I feel so well rested.  I only got up twice last night.

The other parent is not 9 months pregnant.  He rarely gets up at night unless it's to take a certain 5 year old boy to potty who still refuses to use the one right outside his room in the middle of the night (but that's a whole other blog post).  Even still, he rarely wakes up and usually falls back asleep instantaneously.  However, on the same night the 9 month preggo parent only woke up two times, the man parent also woke up two times.  Once for a crying daughter and the second time for a pee pee 5 year old. This was his comment in the morning after his loving wife asked why he was being Captain Cranky...

I'm so tired.  I had to get up twice last night.

Since the 9 month pregnant wife is so considerate and loving, she cracked up his face.  This did not help Captain Cranky change his mood.  Apparently the parents had two very different perspectives on what makes a good night's rest.  These two parents, however, will very soon be on the same page as the newest bundle of joy makes his arrival.  Yep, it's all about perspective.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm my 4 year old will walk across the entire dark house to use our bathroom instead of the one across from her room with a night light in it! I have the same issue with the other parent in my house too, only ours involves random issues the previously mentioned 4 year old occasionally has from time to time in the middle of the night for hours on end.
