Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Tale of Two Women

Once upon a time there were two women, and they looked like this...

Those women had a day to shop all by themselves.  They went here...

They were there shopping for fabric for a baby blanket.  It's tradition for every new baby to get a quilt made by the women of the family.  Each woman gets a square to embroider and then the quilt gets pieced together.  The end results looks something like this (if you are a girl baby)...

Editor's Note:  Please excuse the chick on the right.  She had just delivered a baby a month prior to taking this pic.  She looks a little tired and scary.

As the two women were strolling the aisles looking for the perfect fabric, one woman decided to veer off course.  (Another Editor's Note:  This usually happens when the above mentioned women get together.  They often have a difficult time staying focused on one topic at a time.  They are multi-taskers.)  She saw fabric that caught her eye and another project came to mind.  The baby blanket got pushed to the side.

This woman had been desiring to recover her kitchen chairs.  After almost 8 years and two kids later (almost 3), the upholstery on the chairs had seen better days.  This new fabric was a perfect match and design for her house.  Better yet, the new fabric was half off.  The woman had her mother figure out how much she needed while she sat down in a chair and contemplated lunch.  She was getting hungry.

After the woman's mother declared she would need 3 yards of fabric, she pulled it off the roller and stood in line for it to be cut.  Fortunately, the women also completed their original task of picking out the baby's fabric as well.  They may chase rabbits, but they still get jobs done.

After many other errands and a nice hardy lunch, the women decided to call it a day and return to their own homes.  The fabric for the chairs sat in its original bag on the folding table in the laundry room for a few weeks.  

Finally, the two women were able to get together again.  They decided it was time to recover the nasty chairs.  After much pulling, stapling, pulling, tucking, more stapling, the women finished the chairs.  They now look like this...

...and they make one woman very happy.  THE END.

Now wasn't that a great story?  Your life probably feels more complete after reading this cliffhanger of a story.


  1. I can't think of anyone I'd rather shop and do projects with. Much love, Mom

  2. Lovely choice of fabric! I was wondering what you were working on in the picture of you listening to your Grandpa tell stories!

  3. That fabric is so pretty! Now please come do my couch cushions...thanks!
