Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Princess and the Tom Boy

As it's getting closer to time I'm realizing how much Little Miss' life is going to change.  She's not just going to have one brother. She's going to have two.  She's not just going to have one boy cousin.  She's going to have two.  That's right, my friends.  Little Miss is going to grow up with four boys to play with at home.  

When we are around other little girls, it amazes me to see how much she flocks to them now.  She wants to talk hair.  She wants to play dolls.  She wants to cook.  She wants to play princess.  She wants to do all things girly.  I have to admit, I love it.

However, when other little girls aren't around, she fits in fine with the boys.  In fact, she's my one child who enjoys getting down and dirty.  I love this part about her too.  She can wear a princess dress with the best of them, and yet, squat down in the empty field by our house and dig for worms or rocks.

Whether she wants to be a princess or a tom boy, there's one thing I love the most.  She wants to be just like her mama.  Every morning she wants her hair fixed in the same manner my hair is fixed.  She wants to wear the same colors I wear.  She wants to dance in the same crazy way I dance.

Lately she's been noticing that I wrap my hair in a towel after I wash it and she wants the same.  She also likes to play play beauty shop after showers.  She gets a nice little blow out, chapstick, and some smell-good lotion. It's quite fun to see her get so into herself in the mirror that she forgets I'm there.  She is so precious...and ornery...and sweet...and princess like...and a little bit of a tom boy all wrapped up in one.  I cherish this age of hers right now.  She has so much to offer and I really hope I live up to her expectations. 

On this particular night she was willing to part from checking herself out to take a pic.  But then again, she wanted to see herself in the pic...soooo...I'm not sure we've made any progress in the vain category...

1 comment:

  1. Kiera is the exact same way, even without being around boys much. She is a perfect mix of tom boy and princess and I love it!
