Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Let's Go Back...Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving.  Doesn't it seem so long ago?  Less than two months, but time flies by so fast.  Our Thanksgiving was an extra special one for many reasons.  The main reason was we were able to spend time at my grandparents house in Springfield, MO.  Not only do Steven and I have so many special memories of my grandparents, but our kids do as well.  They love going to see Peepaw (name given by Little Man) and Mimi (name given by my cousin's oldest daughter).  That our kids have memories of their great-grandparents means so much to us.  They are fortunate, and one day they will realize how unique it is to really know your family.  Especially two generations before them.

Before I get too mushy-gushy, I want to share another reason why we love Springfield, MO.  Their parks department is one of the best we have ever experienced.  They offer so many unique opportunities.  The park shown below is a full day's adventure itself.  It comes complete with cliffs to climb, ducks to feed, hills to hike, trails to run, and playground equipment to wear out your kids.  I wish the two pictures on the left showed how high we were.  It was a real feat to climb up given I was 6 months preggo at the time.  

If you think you're done hearing about my adventures to Springfield and my grandparents, you are o' so wrong.  Tomorrow will bring some stories that date back to the 1930's, thanks to my grandpa.  He can tell some stories.  Stories of wonderful food fresh off the farm.  And I thought I was a good cook!
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