Monday, January 9, 2012

A Full Menu Monday

Sometimes you just feel full.  Not full from eating, not full from busyness, but full from being blessed.  Little Man had his first basketball game on Saturday.  I got to shop with my mom to help finish out a few things for the Baby #3.  I got to attend a great packed out service at our church with my amazing husband and friends.  I got to spend time with wonderful neighbors and family watching our kids enjoy their time together.  Like I said it was a full kind of weekend.  You can't help but feel blessed with so much goodness around you.

There's nothing really special about this week's menu.  We're back to business as usual and life is busy.  Even with a 5 and 3 year old we have something every night of the week with the exception of Tuesdays and Sundays.  One thing Steven and I have always been adamant about is eating dinner together as a family.  Occasionally things get in the way, but it is a priority around here.  Since it's a priority the menu items are a little less exciting this week.  How's that for being a Debbie Downer on what we're eating for dinner?

Monday-Crescent Chicken Roll Ups with Peas
Tuesday-BBQ Pork Chops, Broccoli and Cheese Casserole, and Buttered Bread
Wednesday-Hawaiian King Roll Ham Sammies, Tater Tots, Salad
Thursday-Pizza and Salad
Friday-Lemon Grilled Chicken, Green Beans, Parker Rolls
Saturday-Club Sandwiches, Fruit Salad, Veggies and Dip
Sunday-Chicken Noodle Soup and Grilled Cheese

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