Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Progress on Baby #3's Room

You would think that staining a full size loft bed would be enough of a project this week, but no.  Here at the Casa de Torres we like to cram as much work into Steven's vacation time as possible.  He's such a lucky man to be married to a slave driver like me.

Really our only accomplishments yesterday were two trips to Lowe's, spray painted frames, painted peg board, and hanging the frames and pegboard.  What's been floating around in my head, or shall I say my Pinterest board, is starting to take on reality.  After all this baby will be here in less than two months...yikes!  Am I really ready for all this???

1 comment:

  1. Love the color of the cabinet! Can't wait to see the room all finished! Love your bloggie makeover too! Hope you're doing great! I got Jude all signed up for Kick n gym! I think he will like it. =)
