Monday, December 26, 2011

Menu Monday

I can't believe Christmas has come and gone.  We had a wonderful time as a family, and I hope you did as well.  Our kids were spoiled way too much, but the joy on their faces was priceless.  My favorite moment from yesterday was when Little Man woke up and saw Baby #3's stocking still on the mantle.  His first comment, "Mommy, Santa didn't bring the baby anything for his stocking."  He had all his presents and stocking sitting there, but he noticed his the lack of gifts for his baby brother.  I love his heart.

For this week's menu, we are pretty much back to normal.  Normal except Steven is home from work most of this week.  I could not be any happier.  Here's what we're having this week...

Monday-Nacho Pie, Fresh Fruit, Corn
Tuesday-Sweet and Sour Chicken with rice and Asian Seasoned Veggies
Wednesday-Dinner @ Mom's...they boys are staining Little Man's NEW LOFT BED!
Thursday-BBQ Chicken Sandwiches, Baked Potatoes, Mac-N-Cheese
Friday-Pork Tenderloin with Carrots & Potatoes, Homemade Dinner Rolls
Saturday-Finger Foods for NYE
Sunday-Breakfast for Dinner

Tomorrow I'll share the details of Little Man's new loft bed.  My mom's husband built it from a Pottery Barn picture I handed him.  It is the coolest thing I've ever seen in a kid's bed.  I can't wait to get it home!

Enjoy your week!

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