Friday, November 18, 2011

OCC...It's Not Too Late

Drop off week is here.  Operation Christms Child has arrived.  There are quite a few drop off locations around the United States and it's easy to check to see which one is nearest you.  Just go here for all the information you need to know.

If you haven't packed a box yet, don't despair.  You still have time.  The last day for drop off is Monday, November 21st.  Packing a box with your child can make a great impact in their life and the life of another child.  Little Man asked this year why we were packing a toothbrush, toothpaste, and socks.  He wondered why not all toys.  It was a pretty good lesson for him.  To him, all gifts are toys.  We went online and watched kids open their boxes from last year.  He was amazed to see how excited the kids around the world were about receiving things he doesn't even think about.  This is one reason why this will remain a huge part of our holidays.  Not only will Little Man and Little Miss learn how to be cheerful givers, but they will also have the opportunity to make difference.  A difference in kids they may not meet here on Earth, but will one day meet. 

Please excuse the ridiculous looks on my kids' faces.  I had time for one pic before naps. 
One pic, and this is what I got.  Feel free to laugh.  I did.

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