Monday, November 14, 2011

Menu Monday

I really want to thank all of you for the kind words and encouragement regarding Little Miss' hiccup.  I didn't get a chance to respond to all the comments with the events of our weekend, but I wanted you to know they really mean a lot.

The second kid birthday party in one month is over.  Thankfully I have a full year to gear up for Birthday Season again.  We still have Steven's to celebrate in December, but at least I don't plan a full out party for him.  Just family.  Family, I can do.  Forty plus people is exhausting.  However, I am so grateful for the forty plus people who came over to celebrate Little Man's 5th year of life.  Some of the best people I know were here.

I seriously can't believe Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away.  My mom and I have already made our menu for the meal we'll eat with my grandparents in Springfield, MO.  With all the talk of Thanksgiving food, this preggo girl had to add a little Thanksgivingish food to the menu.  The baby was pratically demanding it.

Monday-Spaghetti, Green Beans, Salad, Cheesy Bread
Tuesday-Baked Fried Chicken*, PW's Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Stuffing
Wedneday-Cresent Chicken Roll-Ups with Green Bean Casserole
Thursday-Chicken Bacon Sandwiches, Sweet Potatoes, Salad
Friday-MDA Benefit Tailgate Night
Saturday-Tacos with Chips and Queso Blanco
Sunday-Dinner @ Mom's

*We actually ate the Baked Fried Chicken last night.  I was pleasantly surprised.  Very tasty and crispy.  I would definitely recommend it.

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