Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Beatin' the Crowd

Can you tell the Torres family loves Christmas time? To celebrate Thanksgiving Break for Little Man we asked Chunky Monkey to come with us for a little Bass Pro Santa Shop visit, stay overnight for a sleepover, and morning donuts. The kids had a blast at Santa's Village. Chunky Monkey wasn't too sure about Santa until he saw the candy canes. He figured out pretty quickly if he sat on Santa's lap he would get candy. When he saw Little Man and Little Miss excited about Santa, he got into it too.

That's all I have for you today. My kids and precious nephew with Santa. I would, however, like to direct your eye to the bottom right hand pic. This is so my life. Three kids doing three different things, in three different worlds. They are some crazy funny kids.

There will be not posts for Thursday or Friday.
Enjoy the time with your family!
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