Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What He Puts Up With

A little over a week ago I got a call that went something like this...

"Amanda, can you meet me tomorrow night at this field so I can take your family's pictures?  I know it's totally late notice, but I need a short notice family."

"Let me check with Steven, but I think we can do it...(Checking with Steven)...Yep, we'll see you there.

That was it, and now we have these...

We are always super happy when Melinda takes pictures of our family.  She did our extended family session and Little Miss' two year old pics last year, and now these.  She's easy to work with, and you should book her.  Like now.  Not to mention she just found a super secretive Pecan Grove Farm that makes for the best location.

Moving on.  I'm sure you're wondering what the title is all about.  Well, I think there's a side of me I have failed to share with you.  I have an inner model inside of me.  So when Melinda said, "Hey, go stand over there so I can check the lighting," I couldn't resist going for some awesome poses.  I really think I gave her some great ideas for future shoots.  She had no idea how talented I really can be in front of the camera.  See what I mean...

I know. I missed my calling.  What I can't figure out is why Steven was rolling his eyes during my moment.  He must not know art when he sees it.  Come to think of it, I know he doesn't know art.  Humanities wasn't really his favorite course in college.  Or, maybe he was rolling his eyes because I embarrass him often.  Yeah, I think that must be it.  He puts up from a lot from me. 

By the way, today is our dating anniversary.  Fourteen years ago I went on the first date with the man I would marry.  It's been the best fourteen years of my life.  He's one amazing man...even when he was 18.


  1. Great, great, great family pictures! I love the background of the field. I need to remember Melinda when I have the whole family here.

  2. I love the pics. You did miss your calling :-)

  3. HA HA HA! The lower left picture is just lovely. You look like you are going through a contraction.
