Friday, October 28, 2011

I'm Going Back to School!!!!

(My Life as a Public School Teacher)

I've really struggled with the idea of going back to school.  I loved my job. Let me rephrase that.  I loved teaching kids and making a difference.  I did not like the mindless documentation of students who scored below level on one stinkin' state test.  Nor did I like the last minute meetings to go over the lastest paperwork invented.  Nor did I like the 'Let's Do This Assessment On This Assessment To See If the Assessment Is Working'.  Nope, I didn't like any of that.  I just liked teaching kids. 

Even with all the hoops I learned to jump through over the seven years I was a teacher in public schools, I have decided to go back.  Today I say goodbye to my life as a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom), and say hello again to public school.  Well, at least for an couple of hours.  I'm headed to Pre-K today with my Little Man.

He's doing so well in school and it has a big part to do with his teacher and her aide.  I worked really hard and pulled as many strings as I could to get Little Man in this particular class.  His teacher, Mrs. Snow, is amazing.  And, one amazing thing she does is invite the parents to her classroom two times a year.  Today is my day to visit and then Steven will get to go in March.

Today I'll sing songs.  Today I'll have circle time.  Today I'll craft.  Today I will learn my letters.  Today I will learn introductory Math skills.  Today I will be a Pre-K-er alongside my Little Man, and I couldn't be any happier about it.  This is going to be a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your day in PreK. It's going to be wonderful. Yes, Mrs. Show is amazing and Little Man will be so proud to have his Mama there. On Monday PreK comes to my class for a visit. It's wonderful having them right down the hall.
