Tuesday, October 4, 2011

All That Glitters Drives Me Nuts

Glitter.  What a dirty nasty word.  It ranks right up there with other four letter words that I cannot disclose on this blog.  I'm just not that kind of gal.  So when Little Man brought home his October project for school and Steven suggested decorating it with glitter, I told him that man to bite his tongue.  Glitter, pssh! 

I had to think fast.  Little Man was taken by the idea of spreading glitter all over my well swept floor, only for me to agonize finding each little speck on my hands and knees and then burning it up to never be used again.  No sirree.  We weren't going to do that.  Instead I pulled out my stash of old magazines that could rival any hoarders.  I just knew those things were going to be of use someday.

Quickly, I assigned jobs.  I don't think I've ever mentioned before that I am really good at assigning jobs.  I majored in it in college.  You know, a BS in Elementary Education.  The BS stands for Bossing Supervisor...or at least I think it does.  Anyway, I assigned the jobs.  Little Man and Little Miss were to turn the pages and find the colors orange, green, and brown.  When they found the right color, they would tear out the page and put it in the right stack.  Then Little Man, Steven, and I would cut out the colors.  We just don't trust Little Miss with scissors yet.  We have a family history of kids cutting hair.  Just ask my cousin Scott.  His daughter gave herself an epic haircut. 

After the cutting of the colors, Little Man pieced it all together and created this work of art...

{Little Man's Fall Pumpkin}

Is that not the cutest little thang you've ever seen in your entire life?  I'm not talking about the pumpkin.  I'm talking about my boy still in his pj's, teeth not brushed, and major cheesy smile.  He's just so cute.  Now for the pumpkin.  He did a great job.  He also wanted to put his name on the front.  I don't blame him.  If I created such awesomeness, I'd want my name on the front too. 

Now, I sincerely apologize if you find glitter the best invention ever.  I just don't see the purpose of it in this world, and unless you can change my mind glitter will not walk it's devilish face through my door.  Ever.

1 comment:

  1. Any time the tooth fairy visits our house she always leaves a trail of fairy dust that looks suspiciously like GLITTER!
    You might be surprised at what kind of sparkle a little fairy dust adds to a kid's morning! ;)
