Friday, September 23, 2011

A Hard Life Lesson

Blogger is driving me crazy!  I have posts scheduled ahead of time and then come to find out I'm having to manually post them later...frustrating!  Anyhoo, here ya' go...

{Little Man @ 2.5 years}

For the most part, this little guy is well-behaved, easy-going, and funny.  But, like any other almost five year old he has his moments.  He has his moments of willful defiance and whining.  It drives me crazy, because as easy going as he can be, he can also really dig his heals in and hold fast to a bad attitude.  He must get that from his father.  It can't be from me.  I'm not easy going.

Recently we've been working on first time obedience.  In fact, we've been working on this for quite some time.  Steven and I have resorted to telling Little Man and Little Miss that we can't keep them safe when they don't obey.  Well, Little Man got a real life lesson Thursday afternoon.

For the last week, I've been telling Little Man not to get out of the car when we drop his friend off afterschool.  After I helped his friend out of the car, I went to shut the door.  The door met some squishy resistance, and followed by a loud scream.  What I didn't realize as I tried to close the door was Little Man was trying to escape the car after I told him to stay put.  I had smashed his wrist in the hinge part of the door.  I felt horrible, and he was in pain.

After we got home and iced it, I sat down and talked to Little Man about obeying the first time.  Even though I felt horrible for his pain, it could have been avoided.  Had he obeyed, this could have been avoided.  Obedience would have kept him safe.  It was a hard lesson for him.  Thankfully, when I asked him if he planned on staying in the car in the future, he answered very quickly, "Yes!"  That makes mama happy.  It keeps him safe, and that's what I want for my baby.

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