Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You Guessed It

Well, well, well.  It looks like I've got a bunch of geniuses that stop by.  You all figured out my clues.  Yes, we are EXPECTING our THIRD.  Yes, you read that right.  We will soon be outnumbered by children in this household.  How soon you ask?  February 26, 2012 is the estimated date.  I'm only about 8 weeks along, but it's hard 'holding it in' when it's your third, and I'm not talking about keeping it a secret.  I'm talking about literally holding in your stomach.  As much as I'd like to think I have a six pack to keep my pudge in, I don't.  So out pops baby #3.  Seriously, look at me already...

Okay, okay.  You got me.  That was when I was preggo with Little Miss, but that's how I feel already.  I'm just excited that I get to be big and pregnant during the winter months.  I'm calling it right now.  Our heating bill is going to go WAY down.  I already told Steven to get ready.  The heater will be set on 60 degrees!  The only plus to being large and in charge.

So there you have it.  Our big news.  Now I'm curious to know which reader fits into which category.  These are the interpreted looks we have received when telling our friends and family...

A)  That is so exciting. Children are such blessings.
B)  Wow!  Were you planning this?  You had the perfect family.  One boy and one girl.
C)  What!  Are you nuts?  You can't divide and conquer anymore. 
D)  We're really happy for you (secretly thinking: Glad it's not us).


  1. Yea! Congrats! What a JOY! ...hope you get some energy back real soon & begin to feel better.

  2. My thoughts would be in the order of D.C.B.A. As much as I think people are crazy for having more than 2 kids (whether it's planned or not) I can't help but be excited for them

  3. I'm going with A and C! I love babies. Your baby and Colton will be 2 years apart. His day of birth is 2/17/10.

    Are your kiddos so excited???

  4. Congrats Amanda & Steven!!!! I'm so happy for you two!!! I'm going to go with D...I couldn't possibly fit into my gown if I were 5 months pregnant lol! Congratulations again!!!

  5. You know I'm a giant, neon-lit, capital A!!!!!

  6. So excited for you!! Definitely A., but then you may become a little crazy like me. And speaking of me I think February 26th is a great date... it's my bday!! Go baby #3!!


  7. A. Definitely A. I'm so excited for you! Yay!!!!!!

  8. Oh, YAY! Congratulations!! That is so exciting. You are clearly a great mom, and this will make your family even more perfect-er (okay, Teach, I know that's not a word, but it fits here).

  9. As a mother of 4, congratulations!!! When we just had the older 2, a boy and a girl, it just didn't feel like our family was complete. I think people think we are nuts! But I have 2 boys and 2 girls and for us its perfect, crazy but perfect. Oh and going from 2 kids to 3 was a snap. I had a hard time going from 1 to 2. It was exhausting! But the 3rd time around was super easy and even easier going to 4 once he came home from the NICU. I like insta-showed with 3 and 4, just pull out those maternity pants and enjoy getting to pig out at Thanksgiving :)
