Wednesday, July 27, 2011

When Life Was Easy

How come when life is easy you don't even realize it?  Like before kids, we never knew.  Work, gym, dinner, tv, shower, bed.  Every weekday. 

Then the weekends consisted of, "Hey, do you want to see a movie today?"

"Oh yeah.  A movie sounds great.  How about the two o'clock?  Can you be ready in 5 minutes?"

"Sure.  Let me put on my shoes."

Now if we want to see a movie we have to plan at least a week in advance.  Who's gonna watch the kids? Dinner only?  Maybe a movie if we do a 4 o'clock dinner with the gray hairs then a 6 o'clock movie so we can pick the kids up on time.   Whaduhyathink?  Think we can squeeze it in?  Yes, definitely doable.

So that's generally the plan, then you wake up to reality.  Inevitably we get out the door late or Steven gets home late from work.  Suddenly our sexy dinner date at 4pm, has turned into the o' so late night dinner at 5pm leaving us with the decision of stuffing our faces in a hurry to make the movie, or skip it all together.  Most often we skip the movie, and opt for the running of errands.  Don't be jealous.  There's nothing hotter than turning to your overtired husband and asking, "Would you like go grab the toliet paper or the beef?"

Yes, that's the extend of our date nights.  Honestly, we wouldn't go back to when life was easy because the difficulties and busyness that now fill our lives in the form of two little bodies come with huge rewards.  But there are some times we get to live on the edge thanks to my mom. 

Isn't she a beauty?  Well, she's a beauty for more than one reason.  Every once in a while she offers to have the kids stay the night at her house.  This means my kids get to have the most wonderful date night with their Grammy and Michael, and Steven and I get the most wonderful date night that will involve dinner at a realistic time, a late night movie, and a morning of sleeping in.  What is that?  I don't really remember, but I'll be sure to tell you after this weekend.  All I have to say is THANK YOU MOM for loving to be around our kids as much as we do.  We are so looking forward to our date night, and the kids are looking forward to theirs too.


  1. It's my pleasure. We love having Grammy sleepovers. Let the fun begin!! I fully expect for you to sleep really late on Saturday. Don't come and pick up the kids too soon.

  2. Yay for involved grandparents!! They are hard to come by... at least in my world they are.

  3. Yay for involved grandparents!! They are hard to come by... at least in my world they are.
