Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rhea Lana of South Tulsa and a GIVEAWAY!!!

Heard of it?  If not, and you are interested in consigning your child's too small clothes, toys that just collect dust, or all that baby stuff in your attic, then this is the outlet for you!  The Rhea Lana of South Tulsa's sale is scheduled for August 3-6th at The Shops at Regal Plaza, 105th and Memorial (facing the Hampton Inn)

Since we have just one more little precious baby coming in February, I am hanging onto all of Little Man and Little Miss' baby items.  However, after we're done with the items I will most definitely hit up Rhea Lana for the first time.  Let me tell you why...

  • Rhea Lana allows you to keep 70% of your sales.  Period.
  • Consigners can make up to 80% with referrals.
  • Consigning fee is only $7.50.
  • Items are guaranteed against loss or theft, which means if they are lost or stolen while in their possession, they will pay you for them.
  • Consigners can track sales in real time. LIVE!
  • Rhea Lana has a mobile app where you can check your sales on the go.
  • At the end of the week, you can pick up your unsold items and your CHECK!
  • Tagging system is easy and THEY print the tags for you at check-in.
  • Free parking and admission everyday.
I have done JBF before, but the consigner fee was $12.50 and I only earned 65% of my sales.  Then I had to wait a couple of weeks to receive my check through the mail.  Rhea Lana definitely has the upper hand with offering more money to consigners' pockets AND a quick check pick-up.  If you are interested in consigning, don't think twice about trying Rhea Lana. 

The consigner sign up deadline is August 1st at midnight.  This means you STILL have time to earn money on items sitting around your house.  The wonderful ladies at Rhea Lana are more than happy to answer any of your questions to ease you through this process.  Here's the contact info...

Christa and Allyson

Now here's my favorite part...the GIVEAWAY!!!  I just love giveaways.  Heck, I just love free stuff period.  Well, the nice ladies of Rhea Lana of South Tulsa would like to offer one of my readers 

$20 Gift Certificate for Rhea Lana Spending Cash*

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment telling me what's most appealing about Rhea Lana to you.  I'll count all entries through this blog OR comments left on the link to the blog on FB.  Good luck!

*Giveaway ends Friday, July 29th @ noon.  Winner will be announced Monday, August 1st.



Christine Magness said...

I have never been, but I would love to go and check it out.

jencroley said...

I love that you can check your sales online. How cool!

Alice said...

I went recently to the BA spring one and got Colton some swimming bottoms, pjs, and shorts. I plan on consigning at the BA one in a few weekends. This would be awesome to win so I can get him some jeans, etc for the fall/winter!

Stephanie said...

I love that you get more $ when you consign and I also like their marketing-it's very appealing!

Julie said...

Wow they print the tags for you and they give you a check at pickup?! That's impressive! I am so over JBF!! I ended up just donating my stuff to goodwill because it just got to be way to much of a chore to prep it. Definitely will check it out.

ginger_h said...

I like that they print your tags! Definitely could use some new clothes for baby girl. :)

NHP said...

Well now you have got me thinking! I have never heard of it before, but I know you and you would never lead us astray for what you think is the very best. Guess I will take a shot at it!

Shyla said...

I have never been, but would be totally fired up to check it out! I absolutely love finding good deals!