Friday, July 22, 2011

About This Pregnancy

This will be a first of many.  A first of many pregnancy talks.  Mainly because women love to exchange stories of their children starting with conception.  You can be shootin' the breeze with some random woman, find out she's had a child, and BAM!  You're exchaging labor and delivery stories. It just happens.  So it should be no shock to you that I will discuss this pregnancy, and maybe, just maybe reveal way more things you would ever want to know.  Reader beware.

Today, I want to discuss my eating habits.  I cannot for the life of me stomach any raw vegetables.  This is very different for me as I usually have a couple of servings of raw veggies with my lunch.  Fruit I can somewhat handle, but my intake is no where near where it should be.  Frankly, I'm digusted with my eating habits during this pregnancy.  If you could only see the greasy leftover pizza I have sitting next to the computer right now (at 9:30pm), you would cringe.  My fingers are even slipping off the keys from all the grease.  How's that for deliciousness?  Makes you want to jump up and dial your local pizza place, right?  I really don't know what to do other than try to ride this thing out, and pray my cravings turn towards something with actual nutritional substance. 

Steven says he wants to support me in my quest to stomach the raw veggies.  Yeah right.  He's supporting me right now leaning against the island shoving his face with the largest bowl of cookies-n-cream ice cream I've ever seen a human consume, and rattling off veggies I could eat.  He's not going to help me out.  So I'm asking you for your help.  Could you please find the most digusting pictures of women who have gained and ungodly amount of weight during their pregnancy and email them to me?  Scare tactics.  I'm thinking it's the only thing that's gonna work at this point 'cause I'm on my second piece of pizza in a matter of 10 minutes.  I. Need. An. Intervention.  However, I can only think on one thing right now, and it's this...
See what I mean?  I need help!

The Girls Who Blew Up During Her Third Pregnancy


  1. Oh dear pregnant one. We love you. You've given your Aunt Pam, Grandma, Grandpa, and your mother a great fit of giggles to begin the day. Wish you were here with us so we could help you out with the veggie tales problem.

  2. Have a large pizza loaded with veggies and some strawberry ice-cream with fruit on top. Sorry, I'm no help!

    Also, I know this isn't your first time around, but you should check out Amalah's Pregnancy Calendar on It's probably written more for first-timers, but you still might find it funny. :)
