Tuesday, June 21, 2011

This Won't Be The Last

Welp, a good night's rest did not help me at all.  I'm still dreaming of our beach vacation.  The serenity of the ocean and being with my family an entire week straight does my heart good.  Real good.  I enjoyed watching Little Man search for any sign of life in the ocean or sand.  He is a true little hunter at heart.  As for Little Miss, she remained my little dare devil.  Heading straight for waves.  Trying to wake board. Laying down and letting the surf come over her.  She did it all.  She's a girl after my own heart. 

{Click collage to view it larger}

I'm having a little difficulty adjusting to regular life around here so blogging has taken a back seat.  There are so many things I would like to share about our vacation, but I need to find the time to sit down and just write about it.  It's hard to put a full week of awesomeness into words.  I'll get there though.  I do have plans to let you in on how we did a full week's vacation for four for only $1600.  Honestly, it wasn't hard so hopefully you're not looking for some fabulous tips.  Just some plain and simple ones.  However, I can honestly say this was hands down the best vacation I have ever been on.  So relaxing and rewarding.  I think I'll take another one and soon.

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1 comment:

  1. I still dream of Destin and we went 2 years ago! I can't wait to hear about your trip.
