Thursday, June 23, 2011

Recipes I Want to Try

I have this ongoing list in my head of food I want to try.  Since I'm such a thoughtful gal, I put the list together for you.  If you try one please let me know your thoughts on the dish.

{via Pioneer Woman}

{via Pioneer Woman}

{via Mel's Kitchen Cafe}

Spaghetti Squash
(sorry no photo or recipe...directions straight from a friend)

So apparently I don't have a long list.  Whew!  It feels good to get things down on paper--er--the web.  It made me realize  my 'To Cook' list really isn't lenghtly at all.  It's doable, man.  Totally doable!


  1. Do you have PW's cook book? I figure that you do, I am just verifying. I think I need to buy it. That chicken casserole looks awesome and super easy to make. We are all about easy.

  2. MmmmK... now I'm hungry! Especially want to try the chicken spaghetti!!

  3. make the spaghetti!! I made 2 batches. (They are big helpings)! We ate half of the first one and I froze 3 more in gallon size ziploc baggies.

    @Ashley - I have the cookbook and I love it BUT she posts a LOT of new recipes on her website under the cooking tab and you can print them off from there.
