Monday, June 6, 2011

Menu Monday

It's been a wonderful weekend.  We are so blessed to have most of our family 25 miles of our driveway.  Since we all live so close, the kids got to see almost all of their grandparents.  Plus, Steven detailed my car.  Wash, wax, vacuum, he even took out both car seats. 

We're getting ready to embark on a very long road trip.  The kids are mini rock stars on road trips so we're actually looking forward to it.  Next week, I'll share where in the world we will be, but in the meantime I have half a week's worth of menu items.   I'm trying to wean you off my elaborate menus (insert sarcasm) 'caue next week, you're on your own.  Don't say I didn't warn you. 

If you're having a mini-panic attack, don't.  I have two solutions for you.  Solution #1: Click on the previous weekly menus under the 'Labels' tab.  There is almost 52 weeks worth of menus.  Hard to believe I've posted what we eat for almost a year.  Even harder to believe that most of you check in on Mondays to see. One of these days, I'm going to throw you for a loop and put something disgusting on a Poo-Poo Platter. OR, you can do Solution #2:  Visit my future BFF's recipe page.  If I were you I'd visit PW's page, but you don't have to worry about that right now.  You have half of a week's menu right here.

Monday-Oven Roasted Chicken and Potatoes, and Parker Rolls with Garlic Butter
Tuesday-Grilled Drumsticks, Garden Salad, and Peas
Wednesday-BBQ Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, and Cream Corn
Thursday-Turkey Melt Sandwiches with Homemade Fries and Mac-N-Cheese
Friday-No cook-y for me
Saturday-No cook-y for me
Sunday-I'll be cooking, but you don't know where!!!  Okay, I'll give you a hint.  It's not here...

It's somewhere else!
I think I may have given it away.

1 comment:

  1. I SOOOOO need to clean out my car! Yay that the kids do good in the car for long trips.
