Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Another Randomness Post

It's late and I have not one brain cell left from this day.  It was a good day, but busy.  Lots of items got checked off the to do list, and a nap happened thus you get a Randomness post.  As Little Man likes to say, "Sorry 'bout it."  Here it goes...

  • Even though I took a 2 hour nap, I'm still tired.
  • It's almost 10 pm and I failed to make the pizza dough for tomorrow night's meal.
  • Nevermind.  I just did it.  It was grating on my nerves.
  • If you haven't tried Mel's Kitchen Cafe's Sweet & Sour Chicken, it's a must.  Perfect doesn't even describe that Chinese dish.
  • I think I'm getting fatter.  I'm sure it has nothing to do with the 3/4 cups sugar the sweet and sour sauce contained.
  • At least I'm telling myself that.
  • Obviously I don't learn from past lessons.  A few weeks back I purchased an old sewing table for $15 to turn into a side table.  I thought I'd knock that project out in 2 weeks. 
  • Have I even started on my sewing table project?  Noooooooo.
  • Steven is sitting across from me at the table preparing for his training tomorrow.  He doesn't have a shirt on.  He's just plain hot.  Firguratively, not literally.  He actually looks cold.  I can see it on his nipples.
  • Those naps I've been taking are really cutting into my time to get stuff done.
  • The pool is also cutting into my time to get stuff done.
  • Let's be honest...If something more fun than house cleaning comes up, I'm gonna do it.  My house is a pit right now.
  • Even though the Sweet & Sour Chicken was superb, my house now smells like fried foods.  I hate that.  Not even Scentsy is knocking out that funk.
  • My best pal, Jackie, got me Scentsy for Christmas.  I love that girl.
  • Steven just popped up to go to bed, so I'm headed there too.
  • Hopefully you'll get something intelligible from tomorrow's post.  Ya' know, somethin' ya' can learn from.
  • Get real.  It's just me.  You only stop by here to feel better about yourself.  I can read your minds through the computer.  The thoughts say, "At least I'm not as crazy as Amanda."  It's okay.  I understand.  The voices in my head say the same thing.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmk, I am going to have to try the sweet and sour chicken recipe! Although the good lord knows I don't need it! =)

    Oh and I received the bunting today! Looks super cute hung in the kids room!
