Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Walmart's Coupon Policy & The Gift of Time

Go here to print Walmart's Coupon and Competitor Ad Policy

On the far right side of the screen you can download the pdf for the coupon and competitor ad policy.

I used to think the only way to give was to give money or gifts.  As I've grown older and wiser, I've realized the gift of time can be just as fruitful if you manage it right.

About a month ago, I was asked to speak at a church about couponing.  It was a really great experience, and it allowed me to get over my fear of public speaking in front of adults.  Since I didn't sweat profusely through the entire event, I decided to ask my Facebook friends if they were interested in learning how to use coupons.  I seriously thought there would be maybe 10 people max who were interested.  To my surprise a little over 40 people responded and about 30 showed up.

Since I learned how to coupon by reading blog after blog and site after site, I wasn't going to ask for people to pay me for free knowledge.  After all, I am no expert.  I just know how I cut my bill in half.  So instead, I asked each person to bring one or more tolietry item(s) that would go to Arms Around BA.  I was so blown away when I gathered all the donations. 

Here are the details of all the donations...
  • 3 packages of toliet paper
  • 1 roll of paper towels
  • 1 Kleenex box
  • 4 tubes of toothpaste
  • 3-2 pack toothbrushes
  • 2-6 packs of bar soap
  • 12 deoderants
  • 2 bottles of lotion
  • 1 mouthwash
  • 11 body washes
  • 2 loofah's (not pictured)
I never imagined this much would be collected.  A big thank you to the ladies who attended the couponing event.  I really appreciate each of your generous hearts.  Your gifts are going to bless people you may never meet, yet you still gave.

Now, for my little message.  Maybe you don't have all the resources to put together a donation like this with your own finances, but you have a skill that others could benefit from by simply giving your time.  Time is precious, but what could you do if you gave some of yours to benefit others?

There are so many needs in our communities.  Wouldn't it be great if we all made the decision to impact an organization in our community regularly?  Maybe it's your local food bank, maybe it's your child's school, maybe it's your neighbor.  Just get out there, find your niche, and bless others.  I promise, it will come back and bless you in ways you could never imagine possible.

1 comment:

  1. I really wish that I could be just a percentage of the awesome-ness that you are!!
