Friday, May 27, 2011

I Just Peed

When I was preggo with Little Man, I would sit in his room rocking back and forth in the glider imagining what it would be like the first time we brought him home and showed him his room.  I would sit in there every single day.  Even days away from having him, I still sat and there, rocking and praying for every aspect of his life.  From becoming pregnant with him to the first 10 weeks of pregnancy, it was a struggle.  I'll share more about that next week, because this post is getting too sentimental.  I have a funny story to tell you.

Soooo, no one tells you that you lose all of your muscles that hold your pee in after you have a baby.  Let me rephrase that...No One Told Me.  No one.  This is a very important part to this story. 

As Steven and I walked in our little teeny tiny home holding a barely 7 lb baby, that we were unsure if we would have or not in the beginning, we were both emotional.  Like any first time parents, we had the video camera out.  Steven walking slowly ahead of me capturing every cotton pickin' introduction we made to Little Man. 

Little Man, this is your kitchen.
Little Man, this is your living room.
Little Man, this is your bathroom.
Little Man, this is your doggie.
Little Man, this is your room.

Um yeah.  That's where it happened.  I had spent so many nights sitting in his room that when the actual moment arrived I became so overcome with emotions.  I started to cry.  Bad idea.  Really bad idea.  Crying takes some stomach muscles.  Stomach muscles can also force your pee out when you don't have the muscles to hold your pee in because you just pushed out a 7lb 6oz baby out your wahoo.  I peed right then and there.  Yep, peed my pants so bad that it not only soaked me, but soaked the carpet.  I couldn't stop.

You think this is the worst of it, but it's not.  Since I am unaccustomed to peeing my pants, I was shocked.  Through the tears, I said, "Oh my gosh.  I just peed my pants."  Steven, the videographer, turns the camera to me as I'm trying cross my legs to hold it in. I am screaming for him to turn off the stupid camera and grab that baby so I can figure out what to do next.

You think THAT is the worst part?  It's not.  A few weeks go by and Steven's family comes over.  They want to see the homecoming video.  Call it exhaustion, mommy brain, or sheer insanity, but for some reason I had totally forgotten about my pee-pee escapade.  I pull out the dvd, pop it in, and go in the other room to feed Little Man.  Twenty minutes later, I come back in the living room so I can watch the rest.  Another bad idea.  I see me on tv standing in Little Man's room.  Frantically, I'm scrounging for the remote. Too late.  My whole family saw it.  Me, peeing my pants and yelling for Steven to turn off the camera.  That was it.  My BIL (Steven's twin brother) was on the floor rolling.  Being the sensitive, caring man that he is, he rewinds it at least 100 times and laughs over and over.

I have to admit, it was funny.  Maybe not then, but it's funny now.  Thankfully, I have control over my pee again.  I mean, who wants to have friend who pees every time she cries or laughs?  It has taken me almost 4 years to share this story.  Maybe in another 4 years I'll let you see the video too.  MAYBE.

So let this be a lesson to you.  Don't let your husband video you peeing your pants.  It's not pretty. With that said, I hope you all have a relaxing Memorial Day weekend. A weekend free of pee pee pants.


  1. Bwahaha! Oh I would love to see the look on your face while that was happening. I had leakage problems towards the end of my pregnancy and shortly after if I sneezed. I didn't go all out and soak the carpet like you. Lol. The plus side is that YOU will be able to inform Little Miss of this and she won't be left in the dark like you were.

  2. Kegel exercises are not for the weak! Haha! You must have been drinking LOTS of water to soak your carpet. I love this story and I love your honesty. Can't wait to see the video. Haha!

  3. No. You. Didn't!!!!
    That is one seriously hilarious story! You're super-brave to put it out there!

  4. Definitely my least favorite part of post pregnancy. I still have to watch it! Hope you have a great weekend girl!!

  5. I am chuckling because I know your pain. HA HA!! This only happened to me at the hospital but I remember thinking "something is wrong". I mean the minute I felt like I had to go, I stood up from the bed and out it came every time:( It is so unpleasant to be in control of your bladder. Its been 3 years since my last and I still can't jump on the trampoline:( What's your secret?

  6. Rosina, Kegel's lots and lots of them!
