Tuesday, May 3, 2011

5 Things

I'm sitting here watching Dancing With the Stars.  Alone.  Completely Alone.  I'm rarely in the house alone.  It feels weird.  As I'm watching Kirstie Alley cry over dancing it makes me think what I would be like if I were on the show.  I don't think I would cry.  I'm not a crier when I get frustrated.  I get mad instead.  Thank you, Mom, for that quality.  Do I need to remind you of the greenhouse we put together Sunday night?

Anyway, the whole Dancing With the Stars thing has me thinking of things I would like to do and things I have done.  Since I often write about topics that are mindless, I thought I'd share.

5 Things I Used To Be Able to Do
  1. The splits
  2. A standing back tuck
  3. The ability to sleep past 9am
  4. Sit alone in my house and feel comfortable
  5. Get up and go without thinking of two little people
5 Things I Have Done
  1. Bungee jump
  2. Ridden on a motorcycle
  3. Pushed out two kids
  4. Danced on a desk to celebrate my students' accomplishments
  5. Ran a 15K (9.3 miles) without stopping
5 Things I Would Like To Do
  1. Skydive
  2. Outdoor repelling
  3. Take a 3 week trip around the world with Steven
  4. Sail in the middle of an ocean for a week
  5. Relearn a standing back tuck (My #1 goal for this year)
There you have it.  The weird quirks about me.


  1. I had to look up what a standing back tuck is. I get up and go when my little someone is taking a nap so that takes strategic planning. I think it is completely awesome you ran 9.3 miles without stopping. A 3 week trip around the world with the husband (mine not yours) sounds quite lovelyl

  2. I love your 5 things you need to do!! Can't wait to see you accomplish your #1 goal...GO AMANADA!!!

    I need to take a vacation on my own and be myself without my kids. I haven't been away from them by myself since Emilee was a year old. And she is 12. Colton hasn't stayed the night away from me and he is 14.5 months old. I need to sleep past 9am!!

  3. Skydiving? Seriously? That's going to be pretty hard to do with Little Miss Cling On. Just scratch that one and put: Go to Greece and Italy with your Mama.

  4. I so need a bucket list. And maybe one of these days I can get running again. Dragging along 3 kids makes it a wee bit more difficult to get any kind of pace going. ;)
    Hugs girl!
