Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We're From the Country...

...and we like it that way.  Yeah, that couldn't be further from the truth.  Yes, we live in OK, but we're also city folk 'round here.  I can talk a good talk, but when it comes down to it I can find my way around the mall better than I can find my way out of the deep woods.  I really have no idea how I got off on this tangent other than we visited Saddleback Equestrian last Friday.  I guess something about horses makes me think Cowboys and Indians, and something about Cowboys and Indians makes me think country.  So a lesson in how 'uncountry' I am is what you got.  We're working on this area though.  We like to be well rounded 'round these parts (please use your best country accent when reading this sentence).

Back to the point...

Saddleback is owned by my childhood friend, Ashley.  The facility was more than words could possibly describe.  I have never been to a horse stable that didn't reek of manure, but this stable did not.  It was clean and all of the horse were strikingly beautiful, or should I say handsome since there was only one mare?  Ashley did an amazing job keeping the attention of two two-year olds and a four year old.  We were there for a little over two hours.  During that time, we went to bring Snickers (the most amazing horse) up, brushed him with 3 different brushes, cleaned out his hooves, saddled him up, rode him, watched Snickers and Ashley jump, and rewarded him with carrots.  It was real work that the kids enjoyed.  I really enjoyed watching someone I grew up with live out her passion. Simply amazing. I also enjoyed watching the little rug rats.  They were so cute.  Here's a little recap of each one...

Chunky Monkey
You'll have to look closely at his faces.  He looks absolutely miserable. He really wasn't.  Chunky Monkey loved every part of the adventure.  He just happened to inherit his Daddy and Uncle Stevie's genes.  They make weird faces during enjoyable moments.  Thankfully, Rene does it much more than Steven.  I can only imagine what Rene's face looked like the day Chunky Monkey was born.  Probably something along the lines of Chunky Monkey's faces during horse riding...

Little Miss
Little Miss was as predictable as ever.  She loves animals.  I knew this would be her thing.  What I didn't realize was how tiny she would look sitting upon Snickers.  I wasn't afraid for her at all, but it makes me thankful that she is still my tiny little thang!

Little Man
Little Man loved Snickers as well.  He stayed right by his side the entire time (except when CM and LM were riding).  He even got to lead Snickers to the beginner's riding area.  He makes me so proud.  He listened so well to Ashley's directions on how to start and stop a horse.  He may very well turn out to be my little horse rider.

If you are interested in starting your child with riding lessons, I would not hesitate to schedule with Saddleback Equestrian.  With the maximum of two riding lessons per day, the horses are well taken care of by the staff.  Not only is their care top of the line, but their temperaments are amazing.  Every horse boarded at Saddleback is required to be friendly.  We can definitely attest to that.  As we arrived and walked through the stable, almost every horse poked his/her head out of the stall to whinny at us.  Super sweet!


  1. How fun was that! I had no idea Ashley rode horses or is an equestrian? I don't know the correct terminology! I do get slightly annoyed when people think that just because you live in the midwest/south that everyone lives on a farm. Oh and how were those chicken taco's?

  2. I wonder if your friend will be my friend and let me take my kids there. I am kinda scared of horsies. Once around the age of 10 or 11, I got on to a smaller sized horse for the very first time in my life. The guy said something to me, I guess my ADD (I don't really have it, well not diagnosed with it at least) kicked in and all I heard was blah blah blah. So I started to trot off and the horse got spooked by my friend and started to buck. I jumped off and cried like a huge baby. And I never went near a horse again. True story.

    My Colton makes faces like Chunky Monkey! I love them :-) And your kids are so adorable.
