Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Multitude of Things

It's pretty late Wednesday night and I'm just now typing out this post.  A little late for me, but whatcha gonna do?  Since my daily word limit is well, limited from prior use today, you're in for a real treat.  Sarcasm, people.  Lots of sarcasm. But, do not despair I still have a few things I want to share with you.  It just so happens none of them are related. 

I've read some really good books lately that think you should read too...

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Ape House by Sara Gruen

If you are a reader and you don't read Water for Elephants BEFORE seeing it in the theatre, I will be annoyed with you.  Moral to the story:  Lie to me.  Tell me you read it, even if you didn't.  The book is worth it.  Very interesting documentation of circus life in the depression.  Even if it was fiction.

The spaghetti and spinach stuffed meatballs were a big hit in my house. (Changing topics here...are you still with me?)  Basically I took 1 lb of turkey meat, mixed it with Italian bread crumbs, mozzarella shredded cheese, chopped/cooked spinach and baked them for 30 minutes.  Great flavor and added an extra serving of veggies for the picky eater at our house who shall remain nameless (cough, cough, Little Miss, cough, cough).

Moving on to more important news.  I am pregnant.  Not really.  Grandma and Grandpa, I got you on that one didn't I?  That was a pretty mean joke.  I am not pregnant.  I am completely enjoying this season of life with my two kids who sleep through the night.  I have also enjoyed all the new life around us.  Especially the new life that we got to experience at Atwoods last weekend.  We took the kids there to show them all the new baby chicks and geese.  Steven wore his cowboy boots so he could 'fit the scene' a little better.  You think I'm kidding, but I'm not.  I only joke about pregnancies ;)  Anyway, the kids really took to trying out all the store had to offer.  See what I mean...
Just chillin' on the patio furniture for sale.  They couldn't look anymore out of place.  However, I had to show it because Little Miss looks too funny with that facial expression.  A little Children of the Corn-ish if you ask me.  Then there's Little Man...I don't even know what to say about that face.  Here's to some super photogenic children.  Again, heavy on the sarcasm.

And that's it folks.  Glad you stopped by today.  Don't forget to leave some comment Alice does...and Ashley does...and Jesse does...and my mom does...and...that's it.  Maybe that's all who reads this thing anyway.  If by some small chance there are other readers, say 'hi' once in awhile.  Okay Romulus?


  1. Haha - You got me! I'm the worst (or best?) blog-lurker. I did leave you that comment about once! Have you been reading it? I'd love to see updates about your house if/when you have any. Anyway, I enjoy your blog and am also an Atwoods fan! :)

  2. I know a number of people that read my blog everyday and never comment. I like comments, lets me know someone's there. But just so you know if I haven't told you before I read yours everyday! Even if you do suck a few brain cells out of my head from your topics! LOL!! And we look out of place in Atwoods too.

  3. Oh great now you told the whole world that I am a crazy stalker! Thanks a lot!

    My 12 year old (well tomorrow she will be 12) has read The Hunger Games and and Catching Fire also. She loves reading. I need to go buy Water for Elephants. I love Reese Witherspoon, she is my fave. And the movie looks so good.

    If I were your grandparents you would be disowned.

  4. My mom and I read your funniness everyday! So comment comment comment! :)
    Kylee & Mandy aka Mom

  5. In fairness, Amanda, I comment sometimes, too!
    ;) Love the hats in the babes!
