Monday, March 7, 2011

Menu Monday and a Present!

This week will incorporate lots of baking.  It will involve lots of baking because I have the best family in the world.  I have the best family in the world because they are mine.  They are mine AND they all pulled together to purchase me one of these...
So far I've used her three times and I'm amazed at her power and efficiency.  I haven't given her a name yet.  She's so dear to my heart that I really have to think of the perfect one.  Suggestions welcome.

Anyhoo, here's the menu.  I'm off to caress my newest kitchen family addition, and whisper sweet nothings in my old hand mixers ear.  She's a little feeling a little inadequate now that the KitchenAid is here.

Monday-Blackened Chicken, Homemade Crescents using this dough, Trees and Raisins
Tuesday-BBQ Meatballs, Roasted Potatoes, Corn
Wednesday-Homemade Veggie Pizza using this dough, Mixed Herb Salad, Cheesy Bread
Thursday-Italian Grilled Chicken with Grilled Peppers and Onions, Parker Rolls using remaining dough from Monday
Friday-On the R-O-A-D and probably chugging down fast food...pray for my stomach
Saturday-Aurther Bryant's BBQ (Can you guess where I'm at???)
Sunday-Whatever gets thrown together upon my return

Happy Cooking!!!


  1. I got my Kitchen Aid mixer for Christmas in 2009 and I looooove it! You can use it with EVERYTHING!

  2. Oh Amanda!! What a beauty she is!! This is the ONE thing I hope I get from our wedding registry! Like, I don't care if I have no plates to eat on or glasses to drink from, who needs mattress pads and matching bathroom towels, I WANT A KITCHENAID MIXER!!!!! I borrow my mom's ALL the time :) You should name yours Red, or Roja! ;)

  3. Thanks guys! I really love mine.

  4. Oh you will love your new mixer! I got one when we got married and I LOVE it! Yay for you and your new kitchen gadget!
