Thursday, March 24, 2011

Art. Not Just For Paper.

Yesterday was library day.  I just love the librarian who does story time for us.  If I were a librarian, I think I would be just like her.  Weird and quirky.  Let's get real.  I'm already like her.  Weird and quirky.  No wonder I get along with kids better than adults.

The theme yesterday was butterflies.  The kids learned all about the metamorphosis of the caterpillar to the butterfly, sang songs about it, and then got to take home a paper butterfly to color.  LIttle Man. Little Miss, and Chunky Monkey were so excited to get home and start coloring, which made me super excited because I had to get lunch ready.  Busy kids, means happy mama!

So there I am standing at the counter preparing lunch, and so happy the kids are sitting so nicely the table working their little fingers to the bone.  Then Little Miss pipes up, "Chunky Monkey color hands."


As soon as I get over there I can clearly see Chunky Monkey has in fact colored on his hands, and then proceeded to color a nice design on his face.  I think he was going for the clown school look.  Once I got him situated and back to coloring on paper, I addressed the other kids to only coloring is for paper.

Too late.  What Little Miss failed to tell me was she had already colored on her face. Maybe she thought if she tattled on Chunky Monkey, I wouldn't notice all that she had going on on that face of hers.  She's such a mess.  An adorable, ornery, precious mess.

Of course, I have pictures to show.  One day I'll look back at these and crack up.  One day far, far away because we had church last night.  Having church means Little Miss got to sport the marker that I could not get off. She was quite the 'hit' in her class last night.  The only thing that could have made herself look better was to allow her to dress herself.

{The ever so adorable Chunky Monkey's body art}

{Little Miss' artwork on paper and on body}

{My precious little boy, Little Man, who only colored his butterfly}


  1. Too funny! Kiera has never written on her face but sometimes will on her hands. Kiera loves the library days. She gets to go with my mom in B.A. one day and then my M.I.L. in Owasso another.

  2. That is so funny! My grandpa once let Emilee (she was about 2) color his face with my grandma's makeup. He was wearing mascara, blush, eyeshadow and lipstick in all the wrong places. Haha!

    Does Little Man have a bandaid on his chin?
