Thursday, February 17, 2011

I Saw Your Husband With Another Woman...

"I saw your husband with another woman at Kohl's last night."

"Really?  Was it with a dark haired woman?"

"YES!  You already know?"

"I've known about it for years, but it's not really my place to say anything."

"Not your place?  For goodness sakes that's YOUR husband."

"Nope, not my husband.  My sister-in-law's husband.  It's really not my place to tell them where they can and can't go."
"What?  I'm confused."

"My husband has an identical twin brother.  It wasn't my husband you saw last night, it was his brother with his dark haired wife, but thanks for looking out!"

This scenario has happened more than once since I've been with Steven.  It's fairly comical in a sense.  Not comical that people truly think my husband is cheating on me, but the relief that crosses their faces when they realize they are mistaken.

The story above is not even the best one. I've got one even better.  A scandalous one.  In reality it's completely harmless, but it gave our OB/GYN's staff a hot topic at work.  It all started with two surprise pregnancies...

I know I've mentioned before that Little Miss and Chunky Monkey are two weeks apart, but I never mentioned we had the same doctor to see us through our pregnancies and deliver our babies.  We also see the same pediatrician, but that is a WHOLE other story I'll share later.

Anyway, my SIL and I were at about 20 weeks when a nurse nervously stepped into my room.  Steven had just stepped out to go to the bathroom.  She quickly came to my side and told me, "I am probably breaking every nurse rule, but I need to let you know that your husband has been coming to other appointments with a different woman. She is also pregnant and about as far along as you are." 

As soon as she told me this, so many things flashed before me.  When we were preggo with Little Man, the staff was so friendly and very chatty.  Even though the staff was friendly with Little Miss' appointments, I could see a little reservations in some nurses to sit around and chat with us as they used to.  In the beginning I just brushed it off as the second child thing.  You know, it's not your first time around the block so they don't feel the need to coddle you.  However, after the nurse shared this deep secret that could possibly jeopardize her job, I began laughing. It all made sense now.

I should of tried crying inconsolably, but I just couldn't.  This poor nurse had been struggling to find a way to tell me that not only was my husband cheating on me, but he had impregnated another woman.  I had to let her in on our family secret.  There are two of them.  Of course 'them' being Steven and Rene (his brother). The relief on the nurse's face was unreal.  She laughed too, and then snuck out to let the other nurses know what was going on.  Amazingly after this incident the staff always laughed when we walked in for our appointments.

All I can say is I'm thankful for people who aren't afraid to let you know if you're husband is being a no good cheatin' fool.  After all, it really could of been a situation like this... 

But in reality, it's like this...
Double the trouble!!!


  1. That is too funny!

    Look at how cute your little baby belly was. I miss being pregnant. Even though I do NOT want any more babies, at all, I LOVED every minute of being pregnant. The weight gain, belly rubs, feeling them move, the nausea (I was lucky to only experience a little of it), the pain from my first and last sitting on my sciatica nerve, the long labor with my daughter (28 hours with no drugs!), and the most recent 9 lb 9 oz baby I had (he is one today :) I am so blessed that I was able to carry 3 children and that they call me mom.

  2. Hilarious stories!!!!

  3. LOL! That is so funny! I bet you could play some funny gags on people with that!
