Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Homemade Mac N Cheese

Sometime last week, and I say 'sometime' because I'm too darn lazy to find the exact date, Lynne left a comment asking for a good homemade macaroni and cheese recipe.  Although I don't have a one true favorite, I usually go between two depending on my mood.  Neither one is my own creation, and I just bet you can guess where one of the recipe's comes from.  Here's some hints...She's the only 'celebrity' I would want to meet, and she's mentioned at least once a week on this blog.  Got a guess?  It's, it's, it's...I'll leave you in suspense.

Here's my two go-to recipes...

The Pioneer Woman's Mac and Cheese (my hints were pretty obvious)

There you have it!  My secret weapons.  I bet you're super duper surprised that I use recipes outside of my own and TPW.  I would like to make a point that if you cook outside of the realm of Ree Drummond's world, The Neelys offer up some pretty yummy low calorie meals.  Well maybe not low calorie, but it's definitely packed with some down home flavor.  Hmmm, I wonder if that's how they got the name of their show...Down Home With The Neelys???  I think I just had an epiphany.  Must take nap.  Too much thinking...

1 comment:

  1. Okay, you're my hero! I'll let you know how it turns out! :)
